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Graph with Scribes
att.: Brugere af XP vil i nogle tilfælde blive nødt til at registrere DLL filen midas.dll
Admin Adgangskode Standard : 1234
For at udføre rapporter genereret for SCRIBES gennem et andet program, dette eksempel er i VB men for andre værktøjer er det samme logik
Private Sub CmdEdm_Click()
Vl_Str_Text1 = Text1.Text 'Database
Vl_Str_Text2 = Text2.Text 'user
Vl_Str_Text3 = Text3.Text 'pass
Vl_Str_Text4 = Text4.Text 'server
Vl_Str_Text5 = Text5.Text 'dir
Vl_Str_Text6 = Text6.Text 'port
Vl_Str_Text7 = Text7.Text 'Type (ex.:firebird-1.5)
Vl_Str_Text8 = Text8.Text '(if you not to pass this, it open a menu report)
ChamaPrograma = "c:\scribes\ScribesR.exe "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text1 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text2 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text3 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text4 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text5 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text6 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text7 & " "
ChamaPrograma = ChamaPrograma & Vl_Str_Text8 & " "
ReturnValue = Shell(ChamaPrograma, 1)